Build your own nativity unit

Christmas is a time for bringing together the whole family, and sharing in a wondrous feast and present giving exercise. It is a fun and fantastic holiday, with so many different connotations that can often be confusing. However, no matter the religion, the important aspect is the closeness and warmth generated from having all your loved ones in the same place, sharing each moment you have together. The nativity scene has always been a relatively important factor in the Christmas holidays, and it may be an entertaining pastime if you and several other members could build your own scene, and display it as a centerpiece on your family table, or by the tree.

If you wish, you can just make the outlaying structure. It is a little adventurous to begin making the figurines, although there are options to create an abstract version, with figures that convey the meaning of the biblical story without displaying them in a correct manner. Whichever idea works best for you and your family, you should then think about the size of your project, and the space it has to work with. There is little point in creating a project that will have to sit outside if it was designed to stay indoors. Careful measurements, taking into account future storage issues you may face will bring your project together.

Next, you will have to think about materials. If you have a particular theme in mind, such as traditional, modern or abstract, or even childish, then the materials should reflect this. If you are new to the crafting scene, then creating a simple structure out of plywood is probably the easiest option. Alternatively, you could carve out the manger from cardboard, and paint the details on afterwards. Once you have your materials chosen, you should then begin assembling each piece so it fits with the style you are aiming to achieve.

If you wish to let your monumental masterpiece last for years to come, then you must be aware of the implications of choosing degradable materials. Choosing cardboard or other recyclable fabrics may mean that you will be making another in a year or so, as the fibers will eventually break down and rot. The finishing touches of your creation can also assist in permanently securing the lasting effect. You may wish to create a natural look with living accompaniments, or you might be thinking about paints and varnish to ensure that your efforts will always be noticed.

If you wish, your family could collaborate to provide the final additions that will make your nativity unit a unique display. Lighting can create the magic of the story and illuminate the project without overpowering the message. You may also wish to include a musical device. Working with your family is an incredible experience, and can bring you closer together. With this project, you can start small, and eventually your gatherings will be full of joy, laughter, and the satisfaction of seeing other efforts bear fruit after every year.