Travel Guide 101 – What To Bring On A Domestic Vacation

Vacation is a luxury that most of us loved to enjoy especially during Holiday Season and summer.

If you are tight on a budget and still would love to go on a vacation, it is a must try to travel within the country to places that you have not yet visited. One thing about domestic vacation is that you are helping the country’s tourism industry and of course the economy.


So, when you have chosen which domestic destination to go through, you must follow through this check list:

Put your stuff on a hand carry bag.

Putting all your stuff inside a hand carry bag has two benefits. First, it is no hassle for you and you can just carry the bag wherever you are. You need not to worry about losing or damaged stuff.

Second benefit would be the cost. Since it is not hand carry, you will not be paying extra for carrying it unlike tagging a long a luggage.

Bring what you needed.

Since you are going to a local destination, you do not need to bring lots stuff with you. Just pack things that you do need like couple of pieces of shirts, passport, valid IDs, and other necessities. Match the number of clothes you are going to bring with the number of days you are going to stay. Do not bring more than what you need.

Put some cash on your wallet.

Yes, carrying cash on your wallet is a must. You do not want to handover your credit card to a bell boy, right? You never know there will be some restaurants or places that do accept cash only and not credit card.

There you have it 3 things that you must remember before you even hop into a plane, a train or a ship for your next local vacation.